Monday, June 30, 2008

1st post ! Break the box & complete the set!

O.K. , so when I came up with the idea of blogging my baseball and hockey card collection I was bound and determined that the subject of my first post would be the attempt at completing my 1989-90 Topps Hockey set. I thought that I would be able to set the blog up and have everything ready to post by the time the cards that I ordered arrived. Well, it didn't happen as the cards arrived today. I'll have to get to the details, specifics and background about my blog at a later date because right now I'm ready to open some WAX PACKS ! !

I'll start with some background information on this particular set but in order to avoid one VERY LONG post as I open the box pack by pack, I'll split the wax box into separate posts by half a box. Here's the specifics on the cards:

1989-90 TOPPS Hockey set
The complete set listing of cards are 1-198
Beckett book value (BV) on this complete set is $30.00 as of 6-30-08
The set-break value, that is, each card BV listed individually is $78.40

I have a list from, hmmm, I don't know, ten years ago (?) that shows I need 13 cards to finish this set off. (And I HAVE to finish this set! It's just sitting in my closet calling out to me, "You're not done yet! I know you can hear me!") See, obsession!

Before anyone calls this to my attention, I am well aware that these sets can be had for as little as $15 on E-Bay. I just didn't want to take the easy way out. The fun of collecting cards for me has always been the thrill of opening the packs yourself to see what you get and putting the entire set together yourself. But that my friends is a post for another day.

Key cards in this set include:

Not a barn-burner of a set but some nice cards nonetheless. The Sakic card is obviously the "Holy Grail" of this wax box.

There is also a Randy Cunneyworth "error" card in this set with a BV of $6. I'm not sure exactly what the error is and truth be told haven't taken the time to research it. Rest assured dear reader I will get to the bottom of this.

The age of most cardboard doesn't really occur to me (it should and you too), especially that of the 80's. My guess is that it is because I am so used to working with it, it's what I grew up on and what I have the most of. It seems just like yesterday but this set is 18 years old now believe it or not! Ask your parents or grandparents (no, really, ask them) they'll tell you all about it. You should listen too because in the blink of an eye, BAM!, that Wayne Gretzky rookie card is 28 years old. (Let that sink in for a second or two.) I guess my point here is, you know live every moment or something like that. Uh, o.k. so on to the

Wax box details:

  • Acquired through E-Bay auction for $21.50, which in itself would be a great deal in my opinion but the shipping charges were $9.50 out of Philly for a total of $31.00 OUCH !
  • Auction started at $9.99 and I beat out 3 other bidders. HAHA!!
  • By the way, I could have bought 2 complete sets for the price of this 1 wax box but who's counting right?
  • Wax box consists of 36 packs with 13 cards, 1 sticker and the obligatory stale piece of gum that somehow always finds a way to stain at least 1 good card per box.
  • Price per pack of cards when released = 50 cents!
  • Total cards in this wax box = 468
  • Cards needed to complete my set = 13
I'd say my chances of set completion are, oh 100 %! The real test here though is can I complete my original set and ALSO complete a second one? I'd say the chances on that are probably 50/50 and if it doesn't happen I'll more than likely be less than 5 cards short this time. Bold prediction, I know. I'll keep my fingers crossed on this one.

Now laddies and gentlemen, on to the fun! Well, at least for me anyway.

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